CBD Oil Reviews – Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage


The commercialized CBD oil does not contain THC, except in a very small quantity (insignificant), and because of this it falls within the limits of the law.

Cannabis is a herb also known as marijuana.

This plant originates in Central Asia, but is currently grown in many countries. This produces a resin that contains substances called cannabinoids, some of which are psychoactive (they act directly on the brain and influence the state of mind).

Cannabis has been used for medical purposes for at least 3000 years. In the West, it has come to be used for this purpose in the 19th century to relieve pain, spasms, inflammation, and convulsions.

CBD is just an abbreviation for cannabidiol, also known as Phytocannabinoid, which is found mainly in Cannabis Sativa and hemp.

CBD is the second most common cannabis cannabnoid, the main being THC, known for its psychoactive effect. It should be noted that the cannabis plant contains over 60 cannabinoids, and the CBD has an antipsychotic effect, which makes it work opposite than the THC.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have focused their attention most on Cannabidiol, the strongest and the most present Cannabis plant's cannabinoid.

In a 2011 study, they demonstrated that CBD helps treat multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms in mice. It prevents the immune system cells from attacking nerve cells in the spinal cord, demonstrating that it has a neuroprotective role.

In addition, Canabidiol has a great anti-cancer potential and is currently being researched in many university centers in the USA, Europe and other countries.

CBD is beneficial in relieving ailments and symptoms such as diabetes, addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), infections, rheumatoid arthritis, neurological disorders, and epilepsy.

It does not induce psychoactive states, but on the contrary, it cancels out the effects induced by THC.

Cannabinoids have also been shown to have antioxidant properties, this new found property in them increasing their role and importance in the treatment and variety of diseases such as age-related ischemic, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases.

Other benefits of the CBD oil are to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, fight anorexia by stimulating the appetite, reduce or eliminate anxiety and panic attacks, effectively combat stress, and it is natural as it is botanical extract.

CBD has also shown its effectiveness in fighting autism, asthma, Parkinson's disease, nausea, obesity, kidney or liver disease, rheumatism, and migraines.

Even though research is still needed to prove the effectiveness of cannabinoids in treating multiple sclerosis, researchers have already shown in many countries the enormous importance of CBD and THC in combating various symptoms such as pain and muscle stiffness.

Ayurvedic practitioners and acupuncture practiontioners say that we should not ignore the natural virtues that this millenary plant is offering to us.

Cannabis has excellent curative, therapeutic properties, but should not be made available to young people in their individuality crisis.

But it is unfortunate to refuse the therapeutic aid of cannabis, especially in patients with AIDS, cancer, severe depression, and so on.

By administering CBD oil, fatty acids in the body are supplemented and as a result, the progression of common cancers (such as prostate cancer) is slowed down, admit the Ayurvedic and acupuncture practitioners.

It is very important to remember that CBD oil is recommended for destroying cancer cells in the body, not for pleasure. Also, the healing results come from the ingestion of CBD oil, not the smoking of the buds.

The high heat when burning marijuana cigarettes destroys the medicinal qualities contained in cannabis buds. The process of obtaining CBD oil takes into account that hot water should never exceed the temperature of 212 degrees.

The beneficial effects of CBD oil in cancer are:

  • Blocks cell development and blood vessels that fuel the tumors;
  • Selectively destroy cancer cells;
  • Limits the development, number and spread of tumors;

Following clinical trials, the following were found:

  • CBD oil reduces nausea in patients with cancer better than certain conventional medicines;
  • CBD oil may increase appetite in patients with cancer or HIV-AIDS, but less than conventional treatments;

Cannabinoids such as the CBD oil can reduce the pain of cancer patients, independently or together with other analgesics. It was found that strong CBD oil can have codeine-like effects and potentiate the effects of morphine.

Cannabinoids increase the quality of sleep, reduce anxiety, inflammation, and improve mood.

Also, in an observational study on 84,000 men, it was discovered that men who reported having occasionally consumed cannabis had a bladder cancer rate lower by 45% than men who did not consume.

The CBD oil, the most balanced natural oil, is obtained by cold pressing, in a damp environment, of the hemp seeds, plants' leafs and stems. No other food resource offers the ideal balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids like CBD oil in the perfect 3:1 ratio recommended by doctors and nutritionists.

This ratio is vital, because Omega-6 and 3 only retain the quality of "good fats" if we consume them in a balanced way. Modern food offers too much Omega 6, resulting in an imbalance.

Hemp plants have a high CBD level. Only female plants are selected due to the high content of cannabinoids.

CBD oil is extracted using hemp seed oil as a solvent.

For a long term use:

Keep the product cool and take it as instructed by your doctor or as labeled by the producer;

Preferably keep the bottle in the refrigerator in a plastic bag;

After use, it should be stored in the fridge because the low temperature helps keep cannabinoids stable.

CBD oil does not contain synthetic or preservative flavorings

In terms of administration, this should be done on the basis of 4 parameters:

  • Age;
  • Body weight;
  • Affection;
  • General health status;

Usually, a bottle lasts between 7 and 22 days. Administration is done 2-3 times a day with 10 minutes before a meal. Generally, you should take one tablespoon (5ml) for three times a day, summing up a total of 15 ml (for easy dosage).

The oil tastes good and the smell is intense herbal, specific (unique) to cannabis concentrates.

Administration and Contraindications:

There are strong nausea if alcoholic beverages are consumed.

Avoid alcohol consumption altogether while using CBD oil.

Administration during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be done only on the advice of a physician;

Administering to children should be done only on the advice of a physician;

Remember that the product is oily and will cause a soft stool, in general. A higher dose related to the body weight can lead to diarrhea.

It is recommended to administer the oil only in small doses divided throughout the day. For superior efficacy it is desirable to quit smoking during treatment. Both nicotine and cannabinoids use similar receptors.

Do not use synthetic cannabinoid products in parallel with CBD Oil and do not mix other dietary supplements in combination with CBD Oil.

A careful nutrition analysis is required during the use of CBD Oil. Also, you can use other cbd supplements like the cbd gummies or the cbd crystals